Lip Blushing

It is time to put away that lipstick! Give your lips a pop of color with lip blushing.

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About This Service

It is time to put away that lipstick! Give your lips a pop of color with lip blushing.

Number of Sessions

You will need a color boost session 6 weeks after your initial appointment.


Color boosts are recommended every 2-3 years.

Is it painful?

The lips are a sensitive area to work on, but I numb you before we begin as well as throughout to keep you as comfortable as possible!

Preparing For Your Appointment

  • If you are prone to cold sores you must speak with your doctor to potentially receive medicine to lessen the chance of a cold sore from the lip blushing appointment.
  • *Cold sores are likely to happen as a result of the appointment if you have had cold sores in the past.*
  • Apply Aquaphor to your lips at night for the 3 nights leading up to your appointment.
  • Do not drink alcohol 24 hours before
  • Drink lots of water in the days leading up to your appointment to keep your lips hydrated.
  • NO caffeine the day of your appointment
  • 72 hours prior to your appointment, no blood thinners such as Ibuprofen, Niacin, Asprin, or Vitamin E (unless medically necessary)
  • Discontinue retinol use for 2 weeks before appointment.


  • Blot your lips every two hours using two pumps of soap onto a cotton round that was provided at your appointment, then apply a thin layer of the ointment that was also provided.
  • Continue this blot wash 3 times a day for 10 days, applying a thin layer of ointment each time.

For The Next 14 Days / Until Healed

  • Avoid spicy foods and drink through a straw while your lips heal.
  • No scratching or picking the area.
  • No moisture exposure. This includes swimming, intense exercise that would cause sweating, saunas, steam rooms, keep your face out of the water while showering, etc.
  • Avoid sun exposure, if you will be outside, please wear a hat. No product on the treatment area except for the ointment that was provided.

Be prepared for your lips to be swollen and appear dark. The swelling should subside within 24-48 hours and the color will soften as they heal. (If anything seems out of the ordinary during healing, please contact me. In the event of an unforeseen reaction please see a medical professional immediately.)

About Peaches SLC

We will work TOGETHER to create a masterpiece
that you will be excited to show off to your family and friends!